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Ako tražite mjesto za boravak u Beču, možemo vam pomoći pronaći odličan stan. Preko šezdeset apartmana i stanova dostupno je u našoj atraktivnoj ponudi.
Naši apartmani nalaze se po cijelom Beču, uključujući Deveti, Petnaesti i Sedamnaesti okrug.
Stanove koje iznajmljujemo na kraći ili duži period karakterizira ugodan i besprijekoran interijer, velika udobnost i ambijent te domaća usluga i ambijent.
Veličina, oprema i položaj apartmana koje nudimo posjetiteljima Beča su različiti. Pregledajte našu ponudu apartmana i odaberite privatni smještaj u Beču koji najbolje odgovara vašim potrebama!
Apartment WG7, where we spent a few days in March, was very nice. Huge enough for 3 people, clean and comfortable. Everything was fine. Thank you very much!
We spent here one week! I like this a lot! Only what I didn’t like was bed! It was very narrow and mattress was bad. And there isn’t any hooks where but the towels put to dry! Location was great and there is lot of space to clothing! Shower room was nice and give warm water 🤩! Balcony was something extra 👍 good! If it were here air conditioning I will come here next visit in July!
Great stay in 2 apartments, we are very satisfied with everything, place are so clean, so spacious and very quiet. Recommendation for choosing those apartments from our heart. Everything was excellent